Monday, November 19, 2012


A number of students in the name of "Indonesian Student Union" (SMI) rallied simultaneously in every city all over Indonesia. Their action relating to the International Students Day commemoration falls on this day, Saturday (17/11). 

In the speech, which echoed some of the demands of the demonstrators refused including capitalization and liberalization of education. Because, if education is thrown into the education market's like commodities and students-students are as costumers investors."We reject education as a commodity and made us reject capitalization and liberalization of education," shouted one protester as speech, in the roundabout in Central Jakarta.Monitoring PedomanNEWS field, students from several campuses such, BSI Ciledug, Unindra, BSI Cawang 45, UMT, Trisakti, and began to gather Unis roundabout at around. 14.00 pm.With a convoy of security forces, they gave speeches and handed out leaflets paper. It said customer, they say, because to be able to access the education they are required to buy educational services.Then, to extend education, they have to pay the fees and credits each semester. If not, a threat to drop out of school was in front of the eye."The higher education will be pursued, the more expensive the commodity education," they say.For that, they claim that the Government is to intervene. They urged the government to repeal the Act No.20 of 2003 on the Education, repeal Act 12 Year 2012 on Higher Education, Realizing Educational Fee 100% unconditionally."Give me the freedom of expression, opinion, association, and eliminate castenization and education and reject RSBI (Plan International School," he said.

Source :'

Tuesday, November 13, 2012



Crisis of Capitalism and the Waves struggling as Student
Like a spider web, capitalism ensnare all sectors of public life and then loot and suck. Therefore, the development of capitalism not only dwell on the manufacturing industry alone but in service industries, including education services. The crisis of capitalism in the Americas and Europe raced to the continent of Africa and Asia to transmit the virus. Capitalism has ruined and destroyed education all over the world. Capitalism crisis rescue attempt by education budget cuts and rising costs of education have been enemies for students. Even had enough too long learners-students made ​​"customers" for the benefit of the owners of capital.
In the heading International Students Day which falls on November 17, a wave of resistance to the capitalization of education conducted simultaneously around the world. In England, students protested in a rally displaying large posters with the inscription on the bridge Milenim average student debt in educational institutions sebsar 25 thousand euoro. Sementra 3145 euoro students must pay more each year. Not to mention their families must bear a huge debt due to subsidy cuts in other areas. So Britain is impossible for students to pay tuition fees for it.
In Croatia as many as 1,500 students protested the demand "Free Education" at the university. While the action in the other cities dropped by 500 students demanding the same thing, namely free education. The action was also wearing a banner with the words "one world - one struggle, education is not for sale", in addition to demanding free education, they also demanded that the knowledge is not a commodity, remove neoliberalism in college, the budget for education and not for war, etc. .
While in Germany carries demonstrations reversing the international day against the commercialization of education. This was done in two places, namely in Mannheim with 600 Dusseldrof demonstrators and some 300 demonstrators. Meanwhile in Bulgaria also carrying the same issue with the German by displaying banners. While in Turkey wave of protests brought the issue of commercialization and privatization of education. Resistance istambul students do in town with masses of 500 people and in 50 other cities, involving 150 students. In the Netherlands only did the protests in the city of Amsterdam by displaying banners.
In Indonesia, the students in the organization "Indonesian Student Union (SMI)" was participating in an insurgency against the capitalization of education. In Jakarta SMI staged in front of the House of Representatives to demand free education, scientific, democratic and populist vision. Actions were also conducted by SMI Branch Tangerang, Bekasi, Medan, Lampung-Pringsewu, Semarang, Pekalongan, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Mataram, Bima, Dompu, Napier, Luwuk and Ternate.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Awal Pergerakan Mahasiswa Telah Dikekang Demokratisasinya
Sejak awal orde baru, di bawah kepemimimpinan soeharto. mahasiswa tampil sebagai kelas menengah dalam perlawanan kebijakan negara yang anti terhadap rakyat. Misalnya pada peristiwa demonstrasi dan kerusuhan 15 Januari 1974 (dikenal dengan Malari). Perlawanan mahasiswa pada saat itu cenderung disikapi dengan melibatkan aparatur negara (ABRI). Disamping penanganan kerusushan dengan sikap represifitas ABRI, negara kemudian memunculkan berbagai aturan yang bertujuan untuk menutup ruang aspirasi dan mimbar demokrasi bagi rakyat khususnya bagi mahasiswa. Setelah peristiwa Malari Kopkatip Sudomo mensinyalir kehidupan kammpus untuk melemahkan pergerakan mahasiswa. Disamping itu melalui kemendiknas Dr. Syarif Tayeb menerapkan SK. 028 sebagai tempurung untuk mengurung gerakan mahasiswa hanya di dalam kampus. Penerbitan SK tersebut merupakan pengekangan terhadap nilai demokratisasi kampus.Pada masa itu pemerintah begitu kelihatan menerapkan security aproach. Merupakan strategi pemerintah dalam mematikan peranan mahasiswa dalam mengkritik persolan sosial, ekonomi dan politik, mahasiswa hanya mampu memberikan aspirasi pada ruang-ruang terbatas, yang hnaya dibungkus dengan kegiatan organ internal kampus yang cenderung pada minat dan bakat. Disamping mempersempit ruang aspirasi mahasiswa pemerintah juga memotong ruang demokrasi bagi mahasiswa, karena dianggap membahayakan keberlangsungan agenda nasional.Tidak hanya pada kalangan mahasiswa pada tahun 1977- 1978 terjadi juga gelombang protes pada negara oleh buruh dan sektor lainnya. Lagi-lagi gelombang protes selalu berakhir dengan kerusuhan sosial, karena sikap negara yang anti terhadap demokrasi. Gelombang protes tersebut dinilai sebagai gejolak kerusushan yang membahayakan stabilitas nasional. Padahal gelombang protes itu lahir dari ketidak puasan rakyat terhadap negara dan sikap pemerintah yang otoriter dan anti terhadap gerakan demokrasi. Maka untuk meniadakan persolan yang sama, dengan sikap otoriternya negara kemudian mengelurkan regulasi yang anti demokratis yaitu, Normalisasi Kehidupan Kampus (NKK) / Badan Koordinasi Kampus (BKK), NKK/BKK merupakan sikap pemerintah dalam menanggapi demonstrasi anti pemerintah 1978 aktivitas politik dikampus dipangkas ruang demokrasinya.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Indonesian Student Union demanded Higher Education Act (UU PT) Revoked

SEMARANG, Dozens of students in the Indonesian Student Union (SMI) Semarang City, Monday (15/10) afternoon on the streets doing demonstrations demanding the removal of the Higher Education Act (UU PT). Street demonstrations held in front of the former hero fountain.
Students assess Act passed in July 13, 2012 and by the House of Representatives Commission X is anti to the interests of the people. In it, UU PT set the relevant rules of the college and the type of governance that allowed colleges established in Indonesia.
They do a theatrical action by dressing cardboard robot, while doing speeches and shout student yells. There were carrying banners and posters reading "We Are Students, Not Customers."

One-on-one student Kuswanto said the new law was passed was a catastrophe for the people of Indonesia, so it must be repealed. These demonstrations, he added, is also a form of resistance against capitalist education.

Student union also called for unity element of the people's movement. "The law will limit the children of farmers, workers, and poor people get an education, especially to get to college," he said.
This action could make the flow of vehicles on the road Heroes of stalled, because the driver reduces the speed of the vehicle. However, police officers directing traffic immediately so smoothly.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


National General Strike Against Method Workers!

The system of capitalism all over the world are currently experiencing a fairly deep crisis, the crisis is not only attacking on the surface of the system but also strike at the heart of the system, which is ACCUMULATED CAPITAL! Not only attacks on the capital expansion but also has attacked the countries of the capitalist system is the heart of Europe and the United States, countries that had been a symbol of the success myth of capitalism as the only economic system that can survive and prosper the people of the world one by one must enter the operating table due to the economic bleeding pretty badly but rescue efforts to date have not been able to save the capitalist system from its demise hole even increasingly apparent path of destruction for the system.

Foreign Debt
Gross Domestic Income
ratio Debt
Debt Capita
US$ 14,959 trillion
US$ 15,04 trillion
US$ 47.664.
US$ 2,494 trillion
US$ 1,826 trillion
US$ 40.724.
US$ 1,283 trillion
US$ 917,7 million
US$ 58.322.
US$ 2,392 trillion
US$ 1,411 trillion
US$ 50.868.
US$ 5,63 trillion
US$ 2,21 trillion
US$ 85.824.
Source:, sept. 14th 2012

Globalization political economy of capitalism as a way of being, allowing the market to build a way to channel the welfare of the people without the intervention of the state a few years ago was heralded as the only way to prosperity for the world community. Globalization Practice capital turned out to accelerate world economic crisis and poverty memasalkan people of the world, only accumulate wealth to a handful of people who become capitalists and corrupt bureaucrats. When the economic crisis hit countries pekerjanyalah the people who bear the burden of the obligation imposed greed of the owners of capital through economic austerity program to cut even abolish welfare that still earned its people, and working people in countries of Europe, America and even Korea against deprivation of well-being with the strike and mass action heart of the power.
The crisis of capital in Europe and the United States deteriorated to the system of capitalism, but the regime of SBY-Boediono Indonesia turned out to vote for an alternative supply of capital accumulation through market liberalization programs and investment in Indonesia. Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI) and Special Economic Zones (SEZ) is not a genuine program for the welfare of the people, but meant to serve the interests of capital accumulation with mengkapling republican areas and distributed to the investors. MP3EI and KEK is the way of development by relying on private capital investment and put the national productive resources (natural resources and labor) as a cash cow for profit-maximizing investors, the existence of PT Freeeport decades in Papua is a clear example of exploitation practices capital, which leaves only the destruction of nature and poverty to the people.
Politics low wages has been practiced in Indonesia since the new order to the SBY-Boediono current, low wages serve as the primary offer to investors to invest in Indonesia. Competition among capitalists class is an inherent part of capitalism intact on the system, the winner of the competition will receive accumulated profits and expanding market but investors who failed to compete going out of business, in order to win this competition then investors will compete to find areas that can provide material cheaper raw materials and cheap labor (low wages), so that low wages are part liberated the iron law of capitalism.
System of contract labor and outsourcing is the innovation of the capitalist system to enhance the ability of investors to win the competition, investors are able to build the most flexible production systems (term SBY: Flexible) to be able to win the competition and dominate the market because of the flexibility of production will result in reduced production costs (labor costs to be fixed and not have to back up the cost of severance and retired workers) and a decreased risk of investment demand and labor strikes. As long as the capitalist system into a system of the world economy and the flexibility of production (including labor market flexibility) would become a weapon to accumulate profits despite going to sacrifice and impoverish millions of workers and their families.
Third world governments that believe in amulets "foreign investment as an engine of development" and then race change state policy and serves the most efficient and flexible to the investors, including the State Government of Indonesia. SBY-Boediono is currently performing with stout as the main defender of the interests of capital in Indonesia, despite the millions of workers claim to reject low wage, outsourcing and contract labor but as of SBY-Boediono regime remain on the system that has proven devastating to millions of Indonesian workers.
Destruction of future workers and their families because the policy contract system and outsourcing work subsequently compounded by omission simultaneously by supervisory personnel to manpower Manpower districts / cities against violations committed by employers about wages and working system PKWT, this omission is due to graft made by the employer to the employee manpower, but until now the Commission to the State Attorney never seriously uncover bribery that have sacrificed the future of millions of workers in Indonesia.
Since the passage of Act No. 13 of 2003 to the present time have been millions of Indonesian workers struggling against contract labor and outsourcing practices contrary to the Act but always hit a wall power financiers and corrupt bureaucratic supervisors and employees often become victims in the enforcement of labor laws these laws. Indonesia struggles of the workers patience finally entered the new quality as practiced by the labor movement in Bekasi district and some other areas, and the Solidarity labor strike regardless of the method of choice battle flag replaces hope in the State, and proved that in recent months the fighting methods practiced tens of thousands of workers from hundreds of companies have successfully fought to keep workers free from the uncertainty of employment (internship, casual, contract system and outsourcing). Strikes and Solidarity labor irrespective of the flag telahterbukti be a powerful weapon to fight for the rights and now it has become a major grip in the struggle of the workers, but there are millions of other workers at thousands of companies in Indonesia are still experiencing labor contract system and outsourcing illegal, it is the right call national strike conducted by the Council of labor workers Indonesia (MPBI) as a measure of national workers' struggle. Let state law trampled by the union of the workers' struggle employers rose enforce law and enforce the human rights of workers.
Three-quarter money with the situation experienced by the workers at this time was also experienced by the peasantry, a promise to carry out agrarian reform was only False Promise, SBY-Boediono regime even direct control of land in the land market mechanism and put on a very extensive land holdings to the estates mining and land grabbing even let the people by private companies and even in many cases PTPN State violence to the people whose land is confiscated. Fishermen Indonesia also experienced a similar situation, the traditional fishermen were eliminated by the fishing company, without the protection of the State. Traditional markets are also people getting knocked out by the modern market, millions of merchants must earn a living from the remnants of booty taken by the company of the modern market. Liberalization of education resulting in high cost of education is also increasing in intensity, education should be the social capital of the people has become a commodity traded. SBY-Boediono regime also continues to terrorize the people of Indonesia and will raise the price of electricity and fuel in 2013, even PT Indonesian Railways will also conduct a rate increase on 1 October 2012, it is clear these things is not merely a matter of state financial capability (Bank Indonesia because it lends U.S. $ 1 billion to the IMF) but it is done to smooth the control of private capital in the strategic areas of electricity markets, market fuel rail transport market etc..
Expect State, SBY-Boediono regime, to safeguard the welfare of the people of Indonesia and has been PROVEN FAILED, and expect change through democratic mechanisms has also been PROVEN FAILED elite, it's time to fight alongside PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE in his way. Assertive demands of the workers about the abolition of the contract labor, outsourcing and cheap wages politics has been duly supported by the people of fishermen, traditional merchants, students, and other people, and it was time solidarity of the workers will also support the demands of the struggle of the farmers, fishermen, traders Traditionally, students, and other people. National General Strike to support the demands of the workers' struggle at this time we must make as HOW PEOPLE STRIVE.

We hereby declare attitude :
1.      Indonesia supports Tuntukan Labour Movement for the Elimination System Work Contracts and Outsourcing, and Wage Politics Against Cheap and support and get involved in the national strike plan which will be held on October 3, 2012 to complete.
2.      Call on the People's Farmers, Fishermen People, the Poor Cities, Students and Youth for supporting the demands of the struggle of the workers of Indonesia and involved in National Strike to End October 3, 2012 and the Making of National Strike NATIONAL Such a general strike against the system of capitalism and the regime of serving the capital .
3.      Capitalism system has virtually impoverish the majority of the people in the world, and enrich a few people who became Financier, Indonesia Unity Struggle Struggling to destroy this system and build a new system with hundreds of millions of human around the world.
4.      SBY-Boediono regime has been proven as a servant of the equity interests in Indonesia, poverty and suffering of the people only considered statistics. Unity Struggle Struggling To topple SBY-Boediono regime and establish the Indonesian Government is subject to the will of the People.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

SMI Action for Education - We Are Students, Not Customers

# SMI Bekasi City

# SMI Medan City

# SMI Pekalongan City

#SMI Yogyakarta City

#SMI Semarang City

#SMI Surabaya City

Higher Education Act (UU PT) was passed: Disaster for the INDONESIA
SBY-Boediono regime Capitalist Failure Organizing Free Education, Scientific, Democratic and Visionary the People

At exactly 11:15 pm on 13 July 2012 the House of Representatives Indonesian Republic Commission X, has enacted another law to the rasistant shrimp against interests of the people, the Higher Education Act (UU PT) in which relevant rules regulate the types of .
College and University governance in Indonesia allowed to stand. Including rules relating to the fulfillment of the needs of the operational costs of University education a high in the middle of the reduction in state subsidies to the education sector in Indonesia. Since planning (UU PT) have experienced much debated due to several existing chapters clearly has legitimized what we call the practice of education and any excess capitalization of evil against the people's interest in obtaining the rights education in Indonesia, Indonesia special people's access to higher education access in Indonesia. The question of where the root of the problem (UU PT) which eventually led to the rejection of legalization Higher Education Act (UU PT).
Since 1995, The Era of the New Order Indonesia has been a member of the WTO, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization that regulates international trade. Formed in 1995 and run by a series of agreements, negotiated and agreed by the Member States which must then be ratified (reduced to domestic policy) through Parliament these countries. The purpose of the WTO agreements is to ensure that manufacturers of goods and services, exporters and importers in performing all activities. That is pushing expansion in markets world countries and the unification of the world market with the goal of profit maximization.
In December 2005 SBY-JK's signed GAT (General Agreement on Trade in Services) governing the liberalization of Trade in Services 12 sectors, where the agreement is set education as a form of public sector services that can be privatized without the intervention of the state government. For the record capitalization of a sector is a true service-oriented capitalist class interests surplus value. This is because the State as an instrument of power in limiting the rights of its people to manage the public and investors that barriers to the capitalization of the institution can be removed, in other words, Neo-Liberals will try to eliminate the role and responsibility of States for the role of education then in turn the market mechanism.
Ratification of services liberalization especially within the field of education is a compulsory agenda that must be realized, which is then realized through the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI), after the failure of law enforcement BHP (Law Body Education) in 2010, the government of SBY-Boediono represented by education minister M. Noah immediately proceed with the liberalization of education projects brewing draft Law on Higher Education to replace BHP Law has canceled. So the bill passed PT that day really did not have the basic law is clear, he appears only as Will political government wanted to maybe make that legal certainty for the liberalization of education.
The articles in the bill that was allegedly PT disclaimer legalize State Responsibility for Implementation of Higher Education
1. (Article 8, Paragraph 1) Government planning, alignment, development, development of national higher education and long-term, in this article to set the government's role limited to the formulation of strategic policy only foreight. But the rules that clarify the role of government as a facilitator in the national higher education limited to PTN-PTN alone, in fact more than 3000 universities in Indonesia are Private Colleges
2. The government set up at least one (1) Higher Education in each province and the regional government set up at least one High school in the district / city. If there are no rules that bind the government to governance Private Universities, the facilitator function of government in setting up universities in Indonesia are also very limited, quantitatively State responsibility has fallen when in one province, and city / county has established a college State. So in the eyes of the law the government's responsibility has been fulfilled, although in the future there is only one college course in the region. No imbalance quantity to the number of State Universities Private Universities at some point makes the practice of market liberalization, it is the result of rising tuition prices constantly going every time new admissions, is due to the determination of the amount of tuition fees be left on their respective policies campus. Without any real attempt by the government to protect the price increase education so people will not have to bear the costs of higher education are so great.
3. Article 67 paragraph 1 states PTS (Private Colleges) to status: incorporated PTS, or PTS as a nonprofit corporation implementing unit. As an educational unit incorporated in the Law of the governance process is of course a PTS can maximize (acting as possible) autonomous principality that is given, because the role of the State government and the regulator limited for Legal Education policy does not violate the rules then what any form of formal policy in the eyes of the law can be justified. No matter if it is then the policy is off the democratic principles and the scientific.
While some issues during this private university is in the process of governance patterned vertical relationship between the foundation and the rector. Where the Foundation positioning itself as the owner and act like a board of directors that determines the strategic policy direction (PTS) while rector arm only as an agent for the foundation. In this kind of relationship system - which in (UU PT) also the foundation for Regulated legalization law - the tendency has been for the management of PTS could potentially destroy the educational process that is democratic, liberating and scientific; Rectorate is the agent for the foundation's agenda; Foundation in many cases not to pursue the daily educational process it is very much interference.
But on the other hand if it is then there is PTS-PTS who want full autonomy from the foundation by organizing their own college governance through the Board of Legal Education which then actually happened was a prolonged conflict between the foundation which was legitimation proprietary with the rector who want full autonomy, as what happens on college campuses in Indonesia, as where the conflict occurred in the ownership of private universities Univ. Trisakti, Univ. Islamic North Sumtera, Unitomo Surabaya, Darul Ulum Univ. With the implementation of real UU.PT potential conflicts led to a prolonged tenure due at the same time the State is merely a regulator alone. Without having a strong force in the settlement of the fundamental problems of his intervention. Another is the potential sacrificing student academic rights.
Higher education is the basic meaning bringing up, enlightening, liberating and formed man becomes more human. In this case higher education shall enable graduates to be able to bring people to a new way of thinking and behavior fundamentally, Transformative and substantial, a new thinking that is democratic, scientific and democratic vision. Higher education should be essential to locate and treat the entire academic community (students, lecturers and employees) as whole human beings.
Colleges that ignore these basic principles will undergo fundamental problems in the governance of the organization fundamentally. Such colleges may be able to survive in a relatively long period of time to meet the various requirements of procedural and operational activities are defined. However, the college experience like this would be a fundamental problem with the goal of qualitative and normative rights owned by civitas academic. College such as this may also result in a certain number of graduates in a particular time period as well. However, graduates produced just being one of many capable graduates continue PT practices that already exist in the community alone.
In these circumstances, if the practices that exist in today's society tend to be corrupt, inhuman, mechanistic, weak competitiveness, reactive, exploitative and repressive then college graduates produced would strengthen any bad practice in the community. Education is a cultural process. Education should enable the learner to make changes to the cultural transformation for the better in an effective, substantial and rely on the values of democracy. For higher education co-opted it and therefore subject only to the interests of the commercial market and represent the industrial interests of a particular, will not bring reform to stakeholders and society broadly and fundamentally. In this state colleges will only continue practices that have been generally accepted in the industry and society.
While it may in many cases college status and has gained various prestigious awards, but the nature of the role and function fundamentally as a college just ignored. Awards, recognition and accreditation status granted to a college is usually determined by how much PT in question is able to meet a set of qualitative measures of external operational and procedural mechanics set. Measures that seem relevant when viewed from the aspect of compliance with industry interests that are narrow, short-term and well-established.
We, therefore, the student union Indonesia, expressed the attitude:
1. The Higher Education Act Passed Represents A New Catastrophe for People Indonesia, so laws should be immediately revoked PT.
2. Then the Resistance Against Capitalization of Education, Student Union Calls From a Popular Movement Union Element.

Sep. 27-28th 2012

Serikat Mahasiswa Indonesia

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pameran Poster Seri UU - PT

Poster UU - PT #1

Poster UU - PT #2

Poster UU - PT #3

Poster UU - PT #4

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Rezim Kapitalis SBY-Boediono Gagal Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Gratis, Ilmiah, Demokratis Dan Bervisi Kerakyatan

Tepat pukul 11.15 WIB tanggal 13 juli 2012 komisi X DPR RI telah mengesahkan satu lagi udang-undang yang Anti terhadap Kepentingan rakyat, yaitu Undang-Undang Perguruan Tinggi (PT) di dalamnya mengatur aturan-aturan terkait jenis-jenis perguruan tinggi dan tata kelola perguruan tinggi yang diperbolehkan berdiri di Indonesia. Termasuk aturan terkait pemenuhan kebutuhan biaya operasional kependidikan sebuah perguran tinggi di tengah-tengah semakin berkurangnya subsidi Negara terhadap sector pendidikan di Indonesia. Semenjak perencanaannya UU.PT telah mengalami banyak polemik akibat beberapa pasal yang ada secara jelas telah melegitimasi apa yang kami sebut dengan praktek kapitalisasi pendidikan dan segala ekses jahatnya terhadap kepentingan rakyat Indonesia dalam mendapatkan hak berpendidikannya, tekhusus akses rakyat Indonesia terhadap akses pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia. Pertanyaanya dari manakah akar persoalan UU.PT yang pada akhirnya memunculkan penolakan atas disyahkannya Undang-undang Perguruan Tinggi.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Ungaran - Serikat Mahasiswa Indonesia Komisariat UNISSULA Semarang telah berhasil melaksanakan Pelatihan Tahap 1 (PETA 1) di Vila Gunung Watu Seni Lerep Ungaran Semarang. Dalam PETA 1 tersebut dilaksanakan mulai dari tanggal 20 - 22 Juni 2012. Dalam pelatihan yang diadakan oleh SMI Unissula telah menghasilkan regenerasi - regenerasi baru bagi SMI. Dengan pemandangan yang indah dan udara yang segar di kawasan Vila Gunung Watu Seni Lerep Ungaran membuat para peserta PETA 1 merasa nyaman selama menjalani PETA 1 tersebut.

"Dalam PETA 1 yang dilakukan SMI Komisariat UNISSULA ini diikuti oleh 4 peserta dari beberapa fakultas yang ada di UNISSULA, diantaranya yaitu;
1. Muhammad Nafis dari Fakultas Agama Islam
2. Ryo dari Fakultas Ekonomi Manajemen
3. Bayu dari Fakultas Ekonomi Akuntansi
4. Muhlisin dari Fakultas Ekonomi Akuntansi

Sikap peserta yang telah mengikuti agenda tersebut dari awal sampai akhir berkesan antusias dalam menjalani pendidikan. Semog saja dari semua peserta yang telah diikutkan PETA 1, kedepannya mampu menjalankan kerja-kerja organisasi dan menjadi anggota yang cerdas, militan dan merakyat. (Kata Andi Sebagai Ketua Pelaksana PETA 1).


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jayenggaten oh Jayenggaten, Kemana Rimbanya ?

Malam ini aku tengah berdiskusi di Pondok Mertua Indah Kedungmundu dengan seorang kawan, sebut saja namanya Harir, dia adalah Ketua SMI Cabang Semarang.....”
Tiba-tiba terbesit ingatan pada tahun-tahun 2005 akhir atau 2006 awal aku lupa pastinya, yang jelas pada kala itu kami tengah membangun Ormass mahasiswa tingkat nasional dahulu kami bersatu dalam Keluarga Aktifis Mahasiswa Demokratik (KA-MD) Semarang.....”
Kala itu ketika kami para Mahasiswa Demokratik sedang menentang proses pembangunan HOTEL GUMAYA PALACE yang terletak di Jl. Gajah Mada, Semarang. Proses pembangunan hotel tersebut tidak memiliki ijin AMDAL, IMB nya pun bermasalah karena ulah Walikota Semarang pada periode itu. Lantas pembangunan hotel tersebut berimbas pada penggusuran warga kampung Jayenggaten, mendengar kabar itu kami dan kawan-kawan dari organisasi gerakan yang lain di semarang memulai konsolidasi dan bersepakat untuk melakukan proses advokasi dan mengorganisir warga Jayenggaten. Kala itu kami merumuskan banyak strategi dan taktik untuk menentang upaya penggusuran dan menolak pembangunan hotel tersebut, dari mulai membangun posko perlawanan, menggelar rapat-rapat akbar, mobilisasi dan aksi-aksi penolakan digencarkan, beberapa kali kami bentrok dengan para cecunguk-cecunguk bayaran yang membela kepentingan “Boss” hotel tersebut yang konon berasal dari Singapore......”
Lihat SMI Semarang Office di peta yang lebih besar